Commit 8f362738 by 傅伟强-富德

Update sql

1 parent f8d11273
Showing with 18 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -60,3 +60,21 @@ update GRAS_DEPT_SERVICER
AND p.policy_no = e.policy_no
AND e.prod_seq = 1
AND e.product_code not in('CBAN_TN1','CBAN_UN1','CBAN_VN1');
select di.dept_no,bcr.branch_code,gbe.bank_code from
department_info di
inner join branch_info bi on di.branch_code=bi.branch_code
inner join branch_code_relation bcr on bi.branch_code=bcr.branch_code
left join gras_bank_emp gbe on di.dept_no=gbe.bank_code
and bcr.relative_grade>-1
and gbe.bank_code is null
and bcr.relative_branch_code='865100';
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