jdbcTemplate.update("update dispatch_batch set engineer_num=? , order_num=?, start_time=?, end_time=null, status='RUNNING' where group_id=? and batch_no=?",
jdbcTemplate.update("update dispatch_batch set engineer_num=? , order_num=?, start_time=?, end_time=null, status='RUNNING' where group_id=? and batch_no=?",
Stringsql="select concat( b.brand, '-', b.type, '-', b.skill) as skill from engineer_skill_group a left join skill_info b \n"+
Stringsql="select concat( b.brand, '-', b.type, '-', b.skill) as skill from engineer_skill_group a left join skill_info b \n"+" on a.skill_group_code= b.skill_group_code where a.engineer_code=? and a.status=1 \n"+" and b.brand is not null ";
" on a.skill_group_code= b.skill_group_code where a.engineer_code=? and a.status=1 \n"+
jdbcTemplate.update(" update dispatch_order set engineer_code='' , seq=0, time_begin=null ,time_end=null where group_id=? and batch_no=? ",paramClear);
StringsqlReset="update dispatch_order set engineer_code='', seq=0, time_begin=null, time_end=null, path_time=0, path_distance=0 "+"where group_id=? and batch_no=? and status!='CONFIRM' ";
Stringsql="update dispatch_order set engineer_code=?, seq=?, time_begin=? ,time_end=?, path_time=?, path_distance=? "+" where group_id=? and batch_no=? and order_id=? and dt=? and status!='CONFIRM' ";