" join sys_role r on r.id=ur.role_id and r.name='分站派工'"+
" join sys_role r on r.id=ur.role_id and r.name='分站派工'"+
" and IF(:groupId is not null, uo.org_id=:groupId and uo.org_level=2, 1=1)"+
" and IF(:groupId is not null, ((uo.org_id=:groupId and uo.org_level=2) or (uo.org_id=:branchId and uo.org_level=1) or (uo.org_id=:clusterId and uo.org_level=0)), 1=1)"+
" and IF(:groupId is null and :branchId is not null, uo.org_id=:branchId and uo.org_level=1, 1=1)"+
" and IF(:groupId is null and :branchId is not null, ((uo.org_id=:branchId and uo.org_level=1) or (uo.org_id=:clusterId and uo.org_level=0)), 1=1)"+
" and IF(:groupId is null and :branchId is null and :clusterId is not null, uo.org_id=:clusterId and uo.org_level=0, 1=1)"
" and IF(:groupId is null and :branchId is null and :clusterId is not null, uo.org_id=:clusterId and uo.org_level=0, 1=1)"