Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from skill_info sk where sk.brand = order_request.brand and sk.type = order_request.type and sk.skill = order_request.skill and type_category in (%s)",types);
Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from skill_info sk where sk.brand = order_info.brand and sk.type = order_info.type and sk.skill = order_info.skill and type_category in (%s)",types);
Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from skill_info sk where sk.brand = order_request.brand and sk.type = order_request.type and sk.skill = order_request.skill and skill_category in (%s)",skills);
Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from skill_info sk where sk.brand = order_info.brand and sk.type = order_info.type and sk.skill = order_info.skill and skill_category in (%s)",skills);
Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from order_appointment oa where oa.order_id = order_request.order_id and oa.dt = order_request.dt and oa.engineer_code in (%s)",engineerCodes);
Stringsql=String.format("select 1 from order_appointment oa where oa.order_id = order_info.order_id and oa.dt = order_info.dt and oa.engineer_code in (%s)",engineerCodes);