Commit 4d9524c5 by 张晓


1 parent 1a571a4e
......@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ public class DispatchEngineer implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "batch_no")
private String batchNo;
@Column(name = "team_id")
private String teamId;
@Column(name = "engineer_code")
private String engineerCode;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class BatchScheduler {
int nextDaysLimit = 3;
int nextDaysLimit = 2;
BatchService batchService;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import java.sql.SQLException;
* @author zhangx
* <p>
* 排班算法数据准备
* 排班结果解析到dispatch_order(更新补充技术员工号、上门时间) ,order_appointment、order_request
* 排班结果解析到dispatch_order(更新补充技术员工号、上门时间) ,order_info
public interface ExtractService {
......@@ -101,54 +101,39 @@ public class BatchServiceImpl implements BatchService {
" order by a.engineer_code asc";
int engCount = jdbcTemplate.update(sqlEngineer, batchNo, groupId);
// 未派过的工单(虚拟指派不更改order_request.appointment_status,所以也包含在当前条件中)
String sqlOrder = "INSERT INTO dispatch_order (group_id, batch_no, order_id , x, y, expect_time_begin, expect_time_end, tags, priority , skills , take_time )\n" +
" select a.org_group_id, ? , a.order_id, a.x, a.y , \n" +
" a.expect_time_begin, a.expect_time_end, a.tags, a.priority , concat(a.brand, '-', a.type, '-', a.skill) skills , b.take_time \n" +
" from order_request a left join skill_info b on (a.brand=b.brand and a.type=b.type and a.skill=b.skill )\n" +
" where a.org_group_id=? and a.status='OPEN' " +
" and a.dt = ? " +
" and a.appointment_status ='NOT_ASSIGNED' and appointment_method like 'AUTO%' \n" +
// 未派过的工单(已派过PRE状态还可以再次派)
String sqlOrder = "INSERT INTO dispatch_order (group_id, batch_no, team_id, order_id , dt, x, y, \n" +
" expect_time_begin, expect_time_end, tags, priority , skills , take_time, status )\n" +
" select a.org_group_id, ?, a.org_team_id , a.order_id, a.dt, a.x, a.y , \n" +
" a.expect_time_begin, a.expect_time_end, a.tags, a.priority , \n" +
" concat(a.brand, '-', a.type, '-', a.skill) skills , a.take_time , a.appointment_status\n" +
" from order_info a \n" +
" where a.org_group_id=? and a.dt = ? and bean_status='OPEN'\n" +
" and appointment_method like 'AUTO%' and a.appointment_status in ('INIT','VIRTUAL', 'PRE')\n" +
" and order_status ='NORMAL' and service_status='INIT'\n" +
" order by a.expect_time_begin asc ";
int orderCount = jdbcTemplate.update(sqlOrder, batchNo, groupId, batchDay);
// 已派过PRE状态还可以再次派
String sqlOrderPre = "INSERT INTO dispatch_order (group_id, batch_no, order_id , x, y, expect_time_begin, expect_time_end, tags, priority , skills , take_time )\n" +
" select a.org_group_id, ?, a.order_id, a.x, a.y , \n" +
" a.expect_time_begin, a.expect_time_end, a.tags, a.priority , concat(a.brand,'-', a.type, '-', a.skill) skills , b.take_time \n" +
" from order_request a " +
" left join skill_info b on (a.brand=b.brand and a.type=b.type and a.skill=b.skill )\n" +
" left join order_appointment o on (a.order_id =o.order_id)\n" +
" where a.org_group_id=? and a.status='OPEN' \n" +
" and a.dt = ? " +
" and a.appointment_status = 'ASSIGNED' and appointment_method like 'AUTO%' \n" +
" and o.pre_status in ('PRE') \n" +
// confirm的要做预占用,所以也加入进来
String sqlOrderConfirm = "INSERT INTO dispatch_order (group_id, batch_no, team_id, order_id , dt, x, y, \n" +
" expect_time_begin, expect_time_end, tags, priority , skills , take_time, status, engineer_code, time_begin, time_end )\n" +
" select a.org_group_id, ?, a.org_team_id , a.order_id, a.dt, a.x, a.y , \n" +
" a.expect_time_begin, a.expect_time_end, a.tags, a.priority , \n" +
" concat(a.brand, '-', a.type, '-', a.skill) skills , a.take_time, a.appointment_status, \n" +
" a.engineer_code, a.plan_start_time, a.plan_end_time \n" +
" from order_info a \n" +
" where a.org_group_id=? and a.dt = ? and bean_status='OPEN'\n" +
" and appointment_method like 'AUTO%' and a.appointment_status in ('CONFIRM')\n" +
" and order_status ='NORMAL' and service_status='INIT'\n" +
" order by a.expect_time_begin asc ";
int orderCountPre = jdbcTemplate.update(sqlOrderPre, batchNo, groupId, batchDay);
// CONFIRM的订单再次入表(1占用时间窗 2,可视化需要展示)
String sqlOrderConfirm = "INSERT INTO dispatch_order (group_id, batch_no, order_id , x, y, expect_time_begin, expect_time_end, tags, priority , skills , take_time, " +
" engineer_code, seq, time_begin, time_end, status )\n" +
" select a.org_group_id, ?, a.order_id, a.x, a.y , \n" +
" a.expect_time_begin, a.expect_time_end, a.tags, a.priority , concat(a.brand,'-', a.type, '-', a.skill) skills , b.take_time, \n" +
" o.engineer_code, -1, o.expect_start_time, o.expect_end_time, o.pre_status " +
" from order_request a " +
" left join skill_info b on (a.brand=b.brand and a.type=b.type and a.skill=b.skill )\n" +
" left join order_appointment o on (a.order_id =o.order_id)\n" +
" where a.org_group_id=? and a.status='OPEN' \n" +
" and a.dt = ? " +
" and o.pre_status in ('CONFIRM') \n" +
" order by a.expect_time_begin asc ";
// int orderCountConfirm = jdbcTemplate.update(sqlOrderConfirm, batchNo, groupId, batchDay);
int orderConfirmCount = jdbcTemplate.update(sqlOrderConfirm, batchNo, groupId, batchDay);"准备批次数据 orderCount :{}", orderCount);"准备批次数据 orderCountPre :{}", orderCountPre);
//"准备批次数据 orderCountConfirm :{}", orderCountConfirm);"准备批次数据 orderCount:{}, orderConfirmCount:{}", orderCount, orderConfirmCount);
if (orderCount + orderCountPre > 0) {
if (orderCount + orderConfirmCount > 0) {
jdbcTemplate.update("update dispatch_batch set engineer_num=? , order_num=?, start_time=?, end_time=null, status='RUNNING' where group_id=? and batch_no=?",
engCount, orderCount + orderCountPre ,, groupId, batchNo);
engCount, orderCount + orderConfirmCount,, groupId, batchNo);
} else {
jdbcTemplate.update("update dispatch_batch set engineer_num=? , order_num=?, start_time=?, end_time=?, status='DONE' where group_id=? and batch_no=?",
engCount, 0,,, groupId, batchNo);
......@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ public class SolveServiceImpl implements SolveService {
private EntityManager entityManager;
ExtractService extractService;
......@@ -289,7 +288,8 @@ public class SolveServiceImpl implements SolveService {"算法结果回写dispatch, step1-清除历史, groupId:{}, batchNo:{}", groupId, batchNo);
Object[] paramClear = {groupId, batchNo};
jdbcTemplate.update(" update dispatch_order set engineer_code='' , seq=0, time_begin=null ,time_end=null where group_id=? and batch_no=? ", paramClear);
String sqlReset = "update dispatch_order set engineer_code='', seq=0, time_begin=null, time_end=null where group_id=? and batch_no=? and status!='CONFIRM' ";
jdbcTemplate.update(sqlReset, paramClear);"算法结果回写dispatch, step2-开始回写, groupId:{}, batchNo:{}", groupId, batchNo);
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ public class SolveServiceImpl implements SolveService {
Date leaveTime = DateUtil.beginOfDay(dOrder.getExpectTimeBegin()).offset(DateField.MINUTE, customer.getDepartureTime());
Object[] param = {technician.getCode(), idx, arriveTime, leaveTime, groupId, batchNo, customer.getCode()};
String sql = "update dispatch_order set engineer_code=? , seq=?, time_begin=? ,time_end=? where group_id=? and batch_no=? and order_id=? ";
String sql = "update dispatch_order set engineer_code=?, seq=?, time_begin=? ,time_end=? where group_id=? and batch_no=? and order_id=? and status!='CONFIRM' ";
int rowUpdated = jdbcTemplate.update(sql, param);"算法结果回写dispatch, step3-逐个客户处理, order_id:{}, engineer_code:{}, seq: {}, begin:{}, end:{} ,rowUpdated:{}",
customer.getCode(), technician.getCode(), seq, arriveTime, leaveTime, rowUpdated);
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