Commit 9a395497 by huangjinxin


1 parent 39a95b6c
package com.dituhui.pea.order.dto.param;
import com.dituhui.pea.order.entity.EngineerInfoEntity;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrgTeamInfo {
private Integer id;
private String teamId;
private String teamName;
private Integer teamType;
private String clusterId;
private String branchId;
private String groupId;
private String warehouseId;
private String workdays;
private String memo;
private LocalDateTime createTime;
private LocalDateTime updateTime;
private String workOn;
private String workOff;
private Integer workDuration;
private String transportMod;
private String strategySchedule;
private String strategyAppointment;
private Integer intervalSchedule;
private Integer intervalScheduleNext;
private String cuteOff;
private Integer status;
List<EngineerInfoEntity> engineerInfoList;
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