Commit b1625a2a by chamberone

feat: 调整服务范围相关数据结构

1 parent 5639abe7
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class MapBlockInfoEntity {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
@Column(name = "area_ids", length = 1024, nullable = false)
@Column(name = "area_ids", length = 1024)
private String areaIds;
@Column(name = "area_name", length = 50, nullable = false)
......@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@ public class MapBlockInfoEntity {
@Column(name = "layer_name", length = 50, nullable = false)
private String layerName;
@Column(name = "saas_layercode", length = 50, nullable = false)
@Column(name = "saas_layercode", length = 50)
private String saasLayercode;
@Column(name = "saas_layer_id", length = 50, nullable = false)
@Column(name = "saas_layer_id", length = 50)
private String saasLayerName;
@Column(name = "saas_url", length = 512)
private String saasUrl;
@Column(nullable = false)
private Boolean status;
......@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ public class BusinessBlockServiceImpl implements BusinessBlockService {
String ak;
String url;
String userAccount;
String password;
private OrgTeamDao orgTeamDao;
......@@ -170,31 +174,31 @@ public class BusinessBlockServiceImpl implements BusinessBlockService {
// 重复检查layerId+teamId 注意:1个小队可以对应多个图层
MapBlockInfoEntity existBlock = mapBlockInfoDao.findByTeamIdAndLayerId(teamId, layerId);
if (null != existBlock) {
return Result.failure("区块已存在");
return Result.failure("该工作队图层服务范围已存在");
// 同步到saas,返回blockId
// 获取小队出发点,初始化区块
OrgGroupEntity group = orgGroupDao.getByGroupId(team.getGroupId());
String center = RegionUtils.constructCenter(group.getX(), group.getY());
// 获取saas图层id
String saasLayerId = getSaaSLayerId(team.getBranchId(), layerId);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(saasLayerId)) {
return Result.failure(team.getTeamName() + " 图层未配置");
String result = saasRemoteService.addArea(ak, team.getTeamName(), saasLayerId, center);"params:{} {} {} {} result:{}", team.getTeamName(), saasLayerId, center, result);
Result<String> saasResult = TypeUtils.convertResult(result);
if (!ResultEnum.SUCCESS.getCode().equals(saasResult.getCode())) {
return Result.failure("区块已存在或者裁剪为空");
String blockId = saasResult.getResult();
// // 同步到saas,返回blockId
// // 获取小队出发点,初始化区块
// OrgGroupEntity group = orgGroupDao.getByGroupId(team.getGroupId());
// String center = RegionUtils.constructCenter(group.getX(), group.getY());
// // 获取saas图层id
// String saasLayerId = getSaaSLayerId(team.getBranchId(), layerId);
// if (StringUtils.isEmpty(saasLayerId)) {
// return Result.failure(team.getTeamName() + " 图层未配置");
// }
// String result = saasRemoteService.addArea(ak, team.getTeamName(), saasLayerId, center);
//"params:{} {} {} {} result:{}", team.getTeamName(), saasLayerId, center, result);
// Result<String> saasResult = TypeUtils.convertResult(result);
// if (!ResultEnum.SUCCESS.getCode().equals(saasResult.getCode())) {
// return Result.failure("区块已存在或者裁剪为空");
// }
// String blockId = saasResult.getResult();
String blockName = String.format("%s_%s", layerName, team.getTeamName()); //区块名称
MapBlockInfoEntity block = new MapBlockInfoEntity();
// block.setAreaIds(blockId);
......@@ -262,10 +266,6 @@ public class BusinessBlockServiceImpl implements BusinessBlockService {
throw new BusinessException("区块不存在");
// TODO 根据当前block转换成分部,再转换成对应账号信息
String userAccount = "sMvf3yZWA69lKcvlgKcOHQ==";
String password = "qjOHxpQPXLnJP+Jq1CZGBQ==";
// 跳转SaaS url
// 获取saas图层id
String saasLayerId = getSaaSLayerId(block.getBranchId(), block.getLayerId());
......@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ sentry:
ak: 64e1cde3f9144bfb850b7d37c51af559
userAccount: sMvf3yZWA69lKcvlgKcOHQ==
userPassword: qjOHxpQPXLnJP+Jq1CZGBQ==
app-key: eDZEhTCxAcM9paRfwPjAM7RGkfmbf15S_PEA
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