Commit b3f05263 by 丁伟峰

Merge branch 'dev-gantt' into develop

2 parents 10cfc34e f91d118c
......@@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ public interface EngineerBusinessDao extends CrudRepository<EngineerBusinessEnti
@Query("UPDATE EngineerBusinessEntity tt SET tt.address = :address, tt.X= :x, tt.Y=:y WHERE tt.engineerCode = :engineerCode")
void updateEngineerCenter(String address, String x, String y, String engineerCode);
EngineerBusinessEntity getByEngineerCode(String engineerCode);
......@@ -80,9 +80,10 @@ public class EngineersGanttDTO {
public static class Slot {
private String bgColor = "blue";
private String borderColor = "blue";
private String bgColor = "#016FFF";
private String borderColor = "#016FFF";
private String borderStyle = "solid";
private String shapeSize = "normal";
private String btime;
private String etime;
private String text;
......@@ -18,41 +18,62 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class EngineerBusinessEntity implements Serializable {
private Integer id;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "engineer_code")
@Column(name = "engineer_code", nullable = false, length = 50)
private String engineerCode;
@Column(name = "max_num")
private Integer maxNum;
@Column(name = "work_on", nullable = false, length = 5, columnDefinition = "varchar(5) default '08:00'")
private String workOn;
@Column(name = "max_minute")
private Integer maxMinute;
@Column(name = "work_off", nullable = false, length = 5, columnDefinition = "varchar(5) default '18:00'")
private String workOff;
@Column(name = "max_distance")
private Integer maxDistance;
@Column(name = "max_num", nullable = false)
private int maxNum;
@Column(name = "max_minute", nullable = false)
private int maxMinute;
@Column(name = "max_distance", nullable = false)
private int maxDistance;
@Column(name = "address", nullable = false, length = 50)
private String address;
@Column(name = "x")
@Column(name = "x", nullable = false, length = 20)
private String X;
@Column(name = "y")
@Column(name = "y", nullable = false, length = 20)
private String Y;
private Integer priority;
@Column(name = "vehicle", nullable = false, length = 10, columnDefinition = "varchar(10) default 'electric'")
private String vehicle;
@Column(name = "vehicle_no", nullable = false, length = 10, columnDefinition = "varchar(10) default ''")
private String vehicleNo;
private Integer departure;
@Column(name = "priority", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "tinyint(4) default '1'")
private int priority;
@Column(name = "departure", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "tinyint(4) default '0'")
private int departure;
@Column(name = "dispatch_strategy", nullable = false, length = 32, columnDefinition = "varchar(32) default 'CENTER'")
private String dispatchStrategy;
@Column(name = "memo", nullable = false, length = 100, columnDefinition = "varchar(100) default ''")
private String memo;
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@Column(name = "create_time")
@Column(name = "create_time", nullable = false, updatable = false, columnDefinition = "timestamp default current_timestamp")
private LocalDateTime createTime;
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@Column(name = "update_time")
@Column(name = "update_time", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp")
private LocalDateTime updateTime;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,9 +32,14 @@ public class EngineerGanttServiceImpl implements EngineerGanttService {
private EngineerUtils engineerUtils;
private OrderInfoDao orderInfoDao;
private EngineerBusinessDao engineerBusinessDao;
private String getHourMinute(LocalDateTime time){
return DateUtils.formatDateTime(time, "HH:mm");
return this.getHourMinute(time, 0);
private String getHourMinute(LocalDateTime time, int deltaMinute){
return DateUtils.formatDateTime(time.plusMinutes(deltaMinute), "HH:mm");
public Result<?> getEngineersGanttList(EngineersGanttDTO.Request reqDTO) {
......@@ -50,13 +55,12 @@ public class EngineerGanttServiceImpl implements EngineerGanttService {
List<OrderInfoEntity> orders = orderInfoDao.findByDtAndEngineerCodeIn(reqDTO.getDate(), engineerCodes);
HashMap<String, List<EngineersGanttDTO.Slot>> mapEngineers = new HashMap<>();
for (OrderInfoEntity e : orders) {
//"===== order_id: [{}]", e.getOrderId());
// 服务工单本体
EngineersGanttDTO.Slot slot = new EngineersGanttDTO.Slot();
// todo 需要根据订单时间和状态,采用expectXXXX或者actualXXXX
OrderSkillProjection orderSkill = orderInfoDao.getOrderSkillCaptionByOrderId(e.getOrderId());
if (orderSkill != null) {
......@@ -68,17 +72,29 @@ public class EngineerGanttServiceImpl implements EngineerGanttService {
} else {
slots = new ArrayList<>();
if(e.getArriveElapsed() > 0) {
// 有在途,起止时间,分别是订单的开始时间减去在途时间、订单的开始时间
slot = new EngineersGanttDTO.Slot();
slot.setBtime(getHourMinute(e.getExpectTimeBegin(), -e.getArriveElapsed()));
mapEngineers.put(e.getEngineerCode(), slots);
}"mapEngineers ===> {}", mapEngineers);
List<EngineersGanttDTO.GanttChart> engineers = new ArrayList<>();
for (String engineerCode : engineerCodes) {
EngineerInfoEntity engineerInfo = engineerInfoDao.getByEngineerCode(engineerCode);
EngineerBusinessEntity engineerBusinessEntity = engineerBusinessDao.getByEngineerCode(engineerCode);
EngineersGanttDTO.GanttChart engineer = new EngineersGanttDTO.GanttChart();
.setStartTime(String.format("%s 08:00", reqDTO.getDate()))
.setEndTime(String.format("%s 18:00", reqDTO.getDate()))
.setStartTime(String.format("%s %s", reqDTO.getDate(), engineerBusinessEntity.getWorkOn()))
.setEndTime(String.format("%s %s", reqDTO.getDate(), engineerBusinessEntity.getWorkOff()))
.setHoliday(false) // todo
......@@ -87,7 +103,6 @@ public class EngineerGanttServiceImpl implements EngineerGanttService {
if (capacityEngineerStat == null) {
log.warn("技术员当日的容量数据不存在,{}{}", engineerCode, reqDTO.getDate());
} else {"====== {}", capacityEngineerStat);
if (mapEngineers.containsKey(engineerCode)) {
......@@ -157,4 +172,22 @@ public class EngineerGanttServiceImpl implements EngineerGanttService {
tips.add(new LabelValueDTO().setLabel("标签").setValue(order.getTags()));
return tips;
private String getColor(String colorType){
String[][] bgColor = {
{"INIT", "#FFAA44"}, // 待定
{"FINISHED", "#016FFF"}, //完成
{"WARNING", "#FF3D44"}, // 警告
{"PAUSED", "#4E5969"}, //暂停
{"UNFINISHED", "#52EDED"}, //未完成
{"STARTED", "#469967"}, //已启动
{"ONWAY", "rgba(78, 89, 105, 0.5)"}, // 在途
{"CANCELED", "#4E5969"}, // 已取消
{"LEAVE", "#A8ABA9"}, //请假
{"WAREHOUSE", "#EDEDED"}, //仓库准备
Map<String, String> bgColorMap = -> pair[0], pair->pair[1]));
return bgColorMap.getOrDefault(colorType, "#016FFF");
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