Commit c0df0a77 by wangli


1 parent ec45ea8c
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class DispatchServiceImpl implements DispatchService {
public Result<?> getDispatchEngineerOrderList(String levelType, List<String> levelIds, String date) {
public Result<?> getDispatchEngineerOrderList(String levelType, List<String> levelIds, String date) throws BusinessException{
// 派工台技术员预约单列表
// 获取技能耗时
......@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ public class DispatchServiceImpl implements DispatchService {
// 获取groupIds
List<String> groupIds = this.queryOrgGroupIds(levelType, levelIds);
if (groupIds.isEmpty()){
throw new BusinessException("大区/分部/小组组织结构配置可能错误或缺失,请联系研发");
// 获取engineer列表
List<EngineerInfo> engineers = this.queryEngineers(groupIds);
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