Commit c76c0dfd by 王力

Merge branch 'dev_layer0731' into 'develop'

Dev layer0731

See merge request !304
2 parents a6d7897f f1a4f6e5
......@@ -10,38 +10,76 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class BusinessLayerController {
* 获取通用图层
* @return
public Result<?> businessLayerUniversal() {
// 通用图层
return null;
* 获取自定义图层列表
* @param levelType 组织层级类型
* @param levelValue 组织层级值
* @param page 分页-页数
* @param size 分页-页大小
* @return
public Result<?> businessCustomLayers() {
public Result<?> businessCustomLayers(String levelType, String levelValue, long page, long size) {
// 自定义图层列表
return null;
* 获取自定义图层详情
* @param layerId 图层ID
* @return
public Result<?> businessCustomLayer() {
public Result<?> businessCustomLayer(String layerId) {
// 自定义图层详情
return null;
* 新增自定义图层
* @return
public Result<?> businessCustomLayerAdd() {
// 自定义图层新增
return null;
* 修改自定义图层
* @param layerId 图层ID
* @return
public Result<?> businessCustomLayerUpdate() {
public Result<?> businessCustomLayerUpdate(String layerId) {
// 自定义图层修改
return null;
* 删除自定义图层
* @param layerId 图层ID
* @return
public Result<?> businessCustomLayerRemove() {
public Result<?> businessCustomLayerRemove(String layerId) {
// 自定义图层删除
return null;
package com.dituhui.pea.order.dao;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.dituhui.pea.order.entity.MapLayerCustomizeSkill;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
public interface MapLayerCustomizeSkillMPDao extends BaseMapper<MapLayerCustomizeSkill> {
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class MapLayerCustomize {
private String layerId;
private String layer;
private String layerDescribe;
private String disabled;
private Integer status;
private String memo;
private LocalDateTime createTime;
private LocalDateTime updateTime;
package com.dituhui.pea.order.entity;
import lombok.Data;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class MapLayerCustomizeSkill {
private Integer id;
private String layerId;
private String skillCode;
private String description;
private Integer status;
private String memo;
private LocalDateTime createTime;
private LocalDateTime updateTime;
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