Commit d424af68 by Ren Ping


1 parent 41fb3659
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public interface MsgDao extends JpaRepository<MsgEntity, Integer> {
" where IF(:#{#req.startDate} is not null, tt.create_time>=:#{#req.startDate}, 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.endDate} is not null, tt.create_time<:#{#req.endDate}, 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.keyWord} is not null, tt.content like concat('%',:#{#req.keyWord},'%'), 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.orgTreeValue} is not null, (tt.cluster_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue} or tt.branch_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue} or tt.group_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue}), 1=1)" +
"group by tt.cluster_id,tt.branch_id,tt.group_id" +
") t",
countQuery = "select count(t.cluster_id)" +
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ public interface MsgDao extends JpaRepository<MsgEntity, Integer> {
" where IF(:#{#req.startDate} is not null, tt.create_time>=:#{#req.startDate}, 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.endDate} is not null, tt.create_time<:#{#req.endDate}, 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.keyWord} is not null, tt.content like concat('%',:#{#req.keyWord},'%'), 1=1)" +
" and IF(:#{#req.orgTreeValue} is not null, (tt.cluster_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue} or tt.branch_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue} or tt.group_id=:#{#req.orgTreeValue}), 1=1)" +
"group by tt.cluster_id,tt.branch_id,tt.group_id" +
") t"
, nativeQuery = true // 开启原生sql
......@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ public class MsgDTO {
* 关键词模糊查询
private String keyWord;
* 大区ID、部门ID、小组ID
private String orgTreeValue;
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