Commit f43c4c68 by wangli


1 parent 2070a543
......@@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ public class OrderAssignImpl implements OrderAssign {
throw new BusinessException("改约日期不能小于今日");
LocalDate originDate = order.getDt(); // 改约前的日期
// 更新order_request表为未指派
......@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ public class OrderAssignImpl implements OrderAssign {
// 更新order_appointment表为未指派
LambdaUpdateWrapper<OrderAppointment> appWrapper = new LambdaUpdateWrapper<>();
appWrapper.set(OrderAppointment::getStatus, "RESCHEDULED")
.eq(OrderAppointment::getOrderId, orderId).eq(OrderAppointment::getDt, order.getDt());
.eq(OrderAppointment::getOrderId, orderId).eq(OrderAppointment::getDt, originDate);
orderAppointmentMPDao.update(null, appWrapper);
// 登记事件
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