Commit f5698cfb by wangli


1 parent b541b2d8
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ public interface OrderInfoDao extends JpaRepository<OrderInfoEntity, Long> {
OrderInfoEntity getByOrderIdAndDt(String orderId, LocalDate dt);
List<OrderInfoEntity> findByOrderId(String orderId);
List<OrderInfoEntity> findByDtAndEngineerCodeIn(LocalDate date, List<String> engineerCodes);
List<OrderInfoEntity> findByDtAndEngineerCode(LocalDate date, String engineerCode);
@Query("SELECT o.orderId, s.skillCategory as skillCaption FROM OrderInfoEntity o JOIN SkillInfoEntity s on o.brand=s.brand and o.type=s.type and o.skill=s.skill WHERE o.orderId = :orderId")
OrderSkillProjection getOrderSkillCaptionByOrderId(String orderId);
List<OrderInfoEntity> findAllByOrderIdIn(List<String> orderIds);
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