Commit 08b1b577 by 傅伟强-富德

Update sql

1 parent 6d2e1190
Showing with 7 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -24,4 +24,10 @@ update GRAS_DEPT_SERVICER
\ No newline at end of file
select * from(
select rownum as rowno,gbe.bank_code,di.dept_name, si.emp_no,si.emp_name,bi.branch_code,bi.branch_name,gbe.PK_SERIAL
gbe, staff_info si,
department_info di,
branch_info bi
where gbe.emp_no=si.emp_no and si.dept_no=di.dept_no and di.branch_code=bi.branch_code and gbe.END_DATE is null and bi.branch_code=? and rownum <= ?*? ) table_alias where table_alias.rowno>(?-1)*?
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